Saturday 17 October 2015

14 Most Embarrassing WWE Superstar Arrest Stories

by khadija  |  at  12:25

1. William Regal

Speaking of genitalia and arrests while in WCW, William Regal did something on similar lines… only a little (a lot) worse.
In his book, entitled “Walking a Golden Mile”, Regal revealed an incident he was less than proud of. It was 1997, and at the time the Englishman was employed by the Atlanta-based company, though struggling with addictions to drugs and alcohol. On a flight back to the United States from Tokyo, Japan, Regal had far too much to drink.
As he proceeded to use the plane’s restroom in his drunken stupor, Regal failed to close the door. A flight attendant went over to him to try and get it closed, but Regal turned around mid-flow and ended up urinating over the woman. He blacked out, the plane took an early landing and he found himself charged with “Urinating on a Flight Attendant”. He was fined $2,500.
It’s not the nicest story he’ll ever have to tell, but that was back in Regal’s darker days. We all know how he’s turned out since, and it’s good to know.

14 Most Embarrassing WWE Superstar Arrest Stories

by khadija  |  at  12:23

2. Big Show

He’s been a mainstay of the WWE roster for over 15 years now, but Big Show saved a big surprise for a female hotel worker at a place he was staying back in 1998 – a few months before he made the jump across promotions from WCW to WWE.
That’s right, Big Show decided to give the worker an eyeful by flashing his genitals at her. Show was reported to police and arrested on charges of indecent exposure, though nothing ever came of the arrest because of a lack of evidence.
But that’s not all. While incident #1 is the “embarrassing” part of the story, Show was arrested again in March 1999. This time, it came after some lovely fellow got in his face at a bar. After making “obscene gestures” and throwing a number of insults in the giant’s direction, Show proceeded to clock the guy in the face, breaking his jaw.
Show claimed self-defence, and the incident was caught on CCTV. He got off lightly after getting arrested. Show now uses a knock-out punch for his victims on the roster. It was a sign of things to come.

14 Most Embarrassing WWE Superstar Arrest Stories

by khadija  |  at  12:21

3. Vader

Damn, did Vader scare the crap out of me when I was a kid. But it’s not only me who might have felt intimidated given the story of his arrest in Kuwait in 1997.
It was a complete lack of communication on the part of WWE and the TV show Good Morning Kuwait, but Vader got arrested nonetheless. Known by real name Leon White, he was asked by the host of the show about whether wrestling was fake. Now, Vader was told by WWE official Gerald Brisco to take offence to this (kayfabe) – so he did – flipping the desk, grabbing the host and throwing him around a little bit.
The trouble was, while Vader was in on it and didn’t mean any harm, the host was clueless and thought the attack was completely legitimate. Vader got arrested on the lines of assault, though once everything died down he managed to get away with a small fine.

14 Most Embarrassing WWE Superstar Arrest Stories

by khadija  |  at  12:19

4. Emma

Awkward. Emma was arrested in the summer of 2014 after being caught out stealing what’s believed to be an iPad case, worth just over 20 bucks. The incident occurred just prior to an episode of Raw in Hartford, Connecticut, on a trip to WalMart.
The Australian Diva was arrested and taken to custody, charged with sixth-degree larceny and handed a day’s worth of community service. To boot, WWE fired her upon hearing the news. It’s reported though that Emma merely forgot to pay for the item at the self-service booth, having already paid for $30 worth of products.
WWE had a change of heart just hours after releasing her, announcing they were to give Emma her job back. Still, it hasn’t been the best year for Emma. She’s struggling a little.

14 Most Embarrassing WWE Superstar Arrest Stories

by khadija  |  at  12:15

5. Matt Hardy

This isn’t for the faint-hearted. Matt Hardy and wife/fellow wrestler Reby Sky clearly had enough of each other back at the start of 2014, as both were arrested and charged with assault and battery for fighting… with each other.
Staying at a place named the Hampton Inn, Virginia, you can only assume that both had too much to drink while ringing in the new year and things turned a little ugly. An employee called the incident in, after a guest “just came down here and said somebody’s beating the hell out of his wife a girl or something.”
Both were arrested, but later released on $3,500 bail. They’d get restraining orders against each other soon after the incident, but to this day they remain married. They’re even due to welcome a new baby into the world in June.

14 Most Embarrassing WWE Superstar Arrest Stories

by khadija  |  at  12:13

6. Ric Flair

Ric Flair has had some fine moments. But there’s also things you’d think he’s not too proud of. Case in point: his arrest in 1996.
Now Naitch wasn’t in WWE at the time, but if you’re reading this the likelihood is you know how successful he’s been. But you’ll also know he likes to party and he likes his ladies. Who doesn’t, right?
But Flair screwed up a bunch when he handed over the keys to his car to a 20-year-old girl. The big problem was that Collette McCune was twice over the legal drinking limit at the time, but lets also not forget that the legal drinking age over there is 21 in most states; Charlotte, North Carolina being one of them.
That time, he was arrested for supplying alcohol to an underage girl and for allowing her to drive. And trouble ensued again when he was arrested for a road-rage incident back in 2005, when he proceeded to choke a man he disagreed with.

14 Most Embarrassing WWE Superstar Arrest Stories

by khadija  |  at  12:11

7. Sunny

Sunny… Remember Sunny? Of course you do.
But as amazing as she was to look at open-mouthed, turns out she was actually a little bit of a nightmare at home sometimes – as her own mother would find out in the late 1990’s. Sunny had issues with drugs, and after displaying strange behaviour around her mother, Sunny’s mom filed a restraining order against her.
She was inevitably arrested shortly after the order was in place, as she visited her mother again and violated the order. She was held in prison for two days before being released on her own recognizance. Sunny was hugely popular in WWE throughout the mid-90’s, but this incident occurred while she and former boyfriend Chris Candido were registered under ECW’s name.

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